


Release Notes for Mobile SDK 5.2.57

User documentation

Release Notes for Mobile SDK 5.2.57

Issues Fixed


  • If the app does not gain the RECORD_AUDIO permission, dialing will throw a SecurityException immediately, instead of the WebRTC driver crashing and terminating the call before it is started.
  • #2055: if the app does not gain BLUETOOTH or BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permissions, dialing would no longer cause a crash. Instead the call will start without Bluetooth (even if a Bluetooth headset is connected) and setting the Bluetooth audio route will be ignored.
  • #2060: Calling shutdown while the VoIP service is being stopped will no longer cause a crash.
  • #2061: Allow starting the VoIP service from the background in apps built for API level 31 (or later) even if the app is not exempt from starting foreground services.

Partial fixes & Workarounds:


  • #2057: When running on Android 12 devices, the VoIP service can be shutdown after 1 minute of inactivity. For supporting applications that do not use SIP registrations, a "lazy mode" workaround is introduced: if the application starts the SDK service using the new CloudonixSDKClient.startLazy() method, the SDK will start the service immediately (as it is done for other start*() methods), but if the service disconnects during idle time - the SDK will not try to immediately restart the service. Instead the SDK will verify that the service is running just before performing a dial command. If the service is down, the dial command will start the service, wait until it has issued the onSipStarted() event and only then continue with the dial. This introduces a delay during dial (when the service has been shutdown) of up to 2 seconds. A more correct behavior for both Registration-Free and class SIP registration workflow is currently scheduled for release 5.2.58.
