


Release Notes for Mobile SDK 5.2.21

User documentation

Release Notes For Release 5.2.21

New Features


  • #1874: When the hangup API is called, the onCallState callback is now called with the CallState_Disconnected state as soon as the relevant SIP message is sent, instead of waiting for the remote SIP endpoint to return the correct response. The SDK will wait for the appropriate response, or timeout, and handle that in the background while letting the application continue with another call.

Issues Fixed

  • #1872: In some edge cases, calling getCalls() during a call hangup will cause the SDK to crash in the getSessionId() internal API.



  • #1876: Fixed issue where in some edge cases setConfiguration() would not cause the onSipStarted event to be called

Known Issues

Mobile SDK

  • SDK cannot be initialized on an IPv6-only network with no IPv4 support and no NAT64
  • #426 - On Android, SDK cannot use NAT64 networks. This is a limitation of the operating system. Use dual-stack SIP servers to support IPv6 only clients.
  • #365 - WiFi to WiFi handoff can cause the call to disconnect if the handoff is too slow (~30 seconds), especially using TLS transport.
  • #135 - DNS SRV isn't supported.
